**WARNING** This may be (will be) long.
I will start with the types, and continue with more posts as I learn more. Please feel free to comment or ask me to add any additional information.
First will be those use with a cover, which is a way to be a little more rounded with your cloth diapering. You can use prefolds, flats, or fitteds, all of which are not waterproof, so the cover "covers" that part for you.
There are several different kinds: Wool:
Rinse and Wipe Clean:
Pull on:
and probably a few more. But I'm getting carried away. Here is what you use with them
Prefolds and Flats - These are definately the way to go when you are on a budget. (I am currently looking into stocking up on these!) That traditnal run-of-the-mill diapers are made with cotton, but they now carry hemp and bamboo. There are several ways you can fold these, youtube is a great place to look up folds.
What's the difference in them? Flats are just a single layer cloth. You fold it up to get more layers of absorbancy. They are only one size, so you do have to fold them to make them smaller for different sized babies. You have a large range for folding these to fit your child.

Prefolds are a little thicker. There is a thick middle layer for added absorbancy. And there are many ways you can fold them.
Another diaper you use with a cover is a Fitted diaper. These are very close to disposables. Meaning the usage of them. They look like sposies, but they are cloth :)
Next is the Pocket Diapers. I started out with these. Very simple once you figure out your child. These have a "pocket" between the waterproof shell and the outer layer, which allows for a lot more protection from leaks. You just enter whatever insert you have (Microfiber, hemp, bamboo, etc) and put it on.
All in one cloth diapers (AIO's) are by far the easiest to use, especially to those significant others that don't understand the concept (my husband for example). They are just like disposables, and don't require a cover like the fitted diaper does. Just put it on. snap. and go. This would be the easiest for babysitters and others not familiar with cloth diapering.
These are not the only options as a cloth diaperer, but these are the main ones I found that are used. You may not realize it, but more people than you think are turning to cloth diapering. It may seem budget friendly at first, but you can technically cloth from birth to potty training from anywhere from $200 to $500. Where as disposables cost about $1800 or more up to 18-24 months.
There are so many things needed to be learned, but it's not as overwhelming as it seems. I started about a week ago, and though it's been a little frustrating, I have been getting the hang of it and have not used a single sposie since Wednesday (July 31st 2013).
I urge all parents, especially those that are on a budget to switch. It is amazing and not to mention all the prints you can find.. Sometimes all you need is a T-shirt, diaper, and some leg warmers, and bubs is ready to go!
If you have any questions or maybe something I should add it to my blog let me know below! My next post will be about laundering the diapers (an interesting process by the way)
**All reference/pictures/links were taken from <a href="http://www.kellyscloset.com/?AffId=768">Click here to visit Kelly's Closet</a>. They have so many options, great pricing, and amazing customer service. Please click the link and start your stash today!!!!
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